Paid Courses


Advanced Python Programming

Take your Python proficiency to new heights with our advanced course. Delve into advanced topics, algorithms, and explore real-world applications.

₹499 Buy Now ! ₹3,199

Full-Stack JavaScript Development

Master the art of full-stack JavaScript development. Learn about server-side and client-side development in this comprehensive course.

₹499 Buy Now ! ₹3,199

C# Game Development

Dive into the world of game development with C#. Create interactive and engaging games in this specialized course.Explore topics such as asynchronous programming, LINQ, and advanced .NET features, enhancing your ability to build robust and scalable applications.

₹499 Buy Now ! ₹3,199

Advanced Java Programming

Attain expert-level proficiency in Java with our advanced course. Explore advanced object-oriented programming concepts, design patterns, and more.

₹499 Buy Now ! ₹3,199

Bootstrap Responsive Web Design

Master responsive web design with Bootstrap. This advanced course guides you through creating responsive and mobile-friendly web pages, incorporating Bootstrap's advanced features and customization options.

₹499 Buy Now ! ₹3,199

Business Analytics and Data Science Applications

Dive into advanced applications of business analytics and data science. This course covers predictive modeling, machine learning.

₹499 Buy Now ! ₹3,199

React State Management and Hooks

Advance your React skills with a focus on state management and hooks. This course explores advanced React concepts, including stateful functional components, custom hooks, and state management strategies for complex applications.

₹499 Buy Now ! ₹3,199

Advanced C Programming

Take your C skills to the next level with an advanced course. Dive into advanced topics such as pointers, memory management, and advanced data structures, equipping you to write efficient and robust C code.

₹499 Buy Now ! ₹3,199

Advanced Project Management Strategies

Elevate your project management skills with advanced strategies. This course explores agile methodologies, risk management.

₹499 Buy Now ! ₹3,199

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